Biggest map in company of heros
Biggest map in company of heros

biggest map in company of heros

It’s a very rich universe…It’s a very broad and very elastic brand, in terms of opportunities…At the outset, we’re not saying, ‘Okay, let’s think already about movie two and three.’ Let’s get the first one right and make that a success.

biggest map in company of heros

In addition to the main Barbie figure, she has family, she has a lot of elements around in her universe. The product lines of Barbie is a very broad brand. “Barbie, as a brand, has many different iterations,” he said. Speaking with Variety, CEO Ynon Kreiz, whose idea it was to create a Mattel cinematic universe, strongly implied there are plenty more stories to tell. And, in fact, the company seems set to do so.

biggest map in company of heros

Mattel, of course, could opt to move Barbie movies forward without Gerwig.

Biggest map in company of heros